Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique that can be used to study neural pathways. We use intermittent and repetitive TMS to study motor control.
Focused ultrasound stimulation is an emerging non-invasive neurostimulation technique. FUS has the potential to be more spatially focused and can reach deeper structures than TMS. We use FUS to examine cortical excitability and behaviour.
Deep brain stimulation is an invasive form of stimulation that uses implanted electrodes to deliver electrical stimulation. It is a common treatment for movement disorders. We study DBS in conjunction with non-invasive stimulation techniques.
Virtual reality and neuro-imaging techniques are also used in our lab to study neuro-behaviour. Our lab uses:
Portable VR system
Portable EEG
64-channel and single channel EEG
The Chen Lab is actively conducting research studies that involve the techniques mentioned above. If you are 18+ years old and would like more information about our research studies, reach out to us below.